Jimp can be used anywhere that javascript is supported. It can be used in the browser, in Node.js, or in a web worker.
Jimp comes with a pre-bundled browser version.
To use it simply import jimp instead.
How to use in the browser
There are a few main ways to use Jimp in the browser.
With hosted file
You can initialize a Jimp instance from a URL or a file path.
With uploaded files
Or you can use Jimp with an ArrayBuffer.
Here we take a user’s uploaded image and modify it to greyscale.
Using Canvas
You can also use Jimp with a canvas.
Using Fonts
Jimp supports loading fonts from a URL or a file path.
You must host the fonts and will not be able to use the ones included in the node version of Jimp.
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Web Workers
Jimp can be slow and you don’t want that running on the main thread.
Workers can make this experience a lot better.
First define a worker.
This is where you should import jimp and do your image transformations.